Nox Mac M1

Sometimes users may get the reminder that failed to unzip the Nox installer, when you meet the situation, please follow the guide to disable System Integrity Protection(SIP).

How to check if System Integrity Protection is enabled or disabled

1. Open Terminal from your Dock or Utility folder.

2. Type this command: csrutil status into Terminal.


3. Press Enter

Nox multi drive mac

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4. Terminal responds with either “System Integrity Protection status: enabled” or “System Integrity Protection status: disabled

現在、チップM1のMacではNoxPlayerが起動できないとの状況です 「Noxインストーラーを解凍できませんでした。 当社の公式Webサイトから完全なインストーラーを入手して、再度お試しください」という問題の解決策をご紹介します。. Nov 26, 2020 It seems the root of this problem is that M1 chip doesn't support virtualization and AVD needs VT-x for x86 images. Most of the images are based on x86 and arm based images aren't provided for latest android versions. The Android emulator now works on the Apple M1 chip (Apple Silicon), but only in preview mode. This means that not all functionality is available.

How to turn off System Integrity Protection in macOS

  1. Click the Apple symbol in the Menu bar.
  2. Click Restart
  3. Hold down Command-R to reboot into Recovery Mode.

4. Once in Recovery mode, open a Terminal window from the Utilities drop-down menu at the top of the screen.

Nox Multi Drive Mac

5. Type the following command into the Terminal window: csrutil disable

6. Press the Enter or Return, then you’ll see a message stating that System Integrity Protection has been disabled and that the machine needs to restart for changes to take effect.

Nox For Mac Os

7. Click Restart